original plan was to go out somewhere for swimming again but the night before, the celebrant and i were kind of not interested anymore on going.
in the morning he just requested me to cook sopas and his favorite kwek kwek. noontime instead of going anywhere we decided to spent the afternoon in the park. w/ our take-out foods we celebrated his bday just as great like as going to a fancy place.:)
he enjoyed himself watching group of college students playing several games from his highschool days, barubaguong (daw), throwing each others w/ balls of water and boxing. it even made me sided a team and cheered for them...that was fun!:)
in the evening when the park already turn-on the lights, he initiated to play w/ kids whom the whole afternoon were just playing at the see saw and running around. i never seen my husband played in the field in decade that we're together. seeing him for the first time w/ the kids was something.:)
at night we sneaked out for a massage in yoga thai and had a cup of coffee in BO's.
another blessed year for our daddy has passed and we wish for another and more years to come!! we love you daddy!!:)