Tuesday, September 21, 2010

eating meal alone

i hate eating my meal alone...
i say meal, when it is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
i don't mind eating alone in public but not the main meal of the day as much as possible. i feel uncomfortable each time, if i'm not that really hungry i would rather just order soda/coffee and read away mealtime (on the net) or have it to go and eat it while walking. not that i am self-conscious, i know other people are more interested in themselves and what is going on at their own table to pay much attention on what is happening at mine, unless of course i do something to get their attention.:D i am like that even at home, when i don't have someone to share the table with (my kids or babysitters) i would instead eat snacks (junk food, cookies or any chicha that i could find) in front of the tv or if there is none, i'll make myself hungry and wait for H to come home. the latter seldom happens because most of the time i do the first then wait not hungry!:D my figure cant deny it!

maybe i am not alone feeling awkward or uncomfortable eating alone.
for me my reason is, i consider mealtime the very important hour of my day.
truthfully speaking, me and my husband in our 12 years of being together...dining together are only the times that we can communicate properly, talk about plans in life, tell how each others day went, and happenings about our kids. it seems to be the focused hour of the day. outside the table we hardly get each others attention.

i remember even in my college days, i cant get myself sit in the canteen to eat alone. i would find someone first or i'll just buy something and eat while walking. i am used to talking and having conversation while dining. to those friends i dine with most of the time, they can tell that i talk a lot but still can eat well and even tagged to be "the finisher".:P

so i really hate when it happens. like for tonight i starved myself all day expecting to have a nice dinner with my H, but suddenly he is unable to join me due to a meeting. thankful that the insurance agent (processing QQ's claim) stayed and chat with me until i finished my dinner.

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