Saturday, January 15, 2005


On my first weekend I supposedly have a badminton play with my officemate. Instead I worked all day on cleaning. I got the laundry completely caught up, the sheets changed and our room rearranged to made a space for the new computer my husband is buying. After I cleaned out the room, I organized our storage space on our cabinet. As one friend said that this year of the rooster, all old things are no good to reuse so I emptied out our cabinet. Haha! Joking!

Before our plan going to Baguio, I no longer have time to clean our room. Didn't able to fold anymore our clothes from laundry shop so it was left and everything dumped in our room sofa. Tambak lang ng tambak. Hehe. When we got back from the province this is the room and I almost not wanted to come in. Other than because it is a really a messed up, the thought of cleaning it was making me tired already.J

Blurred shots from my cellphone. BEFORE and AFTER

oUR sOfA dROwed fRom tHAT mESS. NoW tHeRE iT iS.

mY boOKShelF? nO tHE otHer One iS rEally tHe oNE. hehe

rEAaRRanged it, noW hEAD on tHe wINdOW. tO dYO pROMISE wHeN I Already dECided to rEaaRanged the sALA, i'LL cALL yOu. Lam ko naman trip na trip mo ayusin and bahay e. hEhe.J

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